Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Prototypes On The Silent Destruction

Sketches of ideas for my first phase of my project where I want to create a meaning about what will happen when biodiversity overtook by the invasion of consumerism and how can I made this as an interactive work that kindly describe my point to the people.

And so, I produced two different layout to present my work through prototypes experimentations.

For the first phase of my project, I created a prototype where I used a white mounting board where I attach every part of the wall with mini needles to let the strings connect from one point to another. This was a different layout of how I will present my research in an opening wall display.

I want to create this prototype a sense of being within the strings where it creates a look of a spider web. This prototype describes that biodiversity is a complex world where every part within the ecosystem is connected. However, it does not create a sense of interacting with the work but more like a display of a work where I then further out doing my prototypes.

Next prototype, I created a hallway space where we can actually can go through from one end to the other. Here, I made three displayed door frame shapes with the use of wood and nails that were nailed around the door frame.

For this prototype, it made us to be able to communicate with the work where it has a sort of a hallway as it welcomes to us to go through it with strings that were attach like a spiderweb and go through it like a mission impossible.

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