Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Part Of My First Experimentation

I created various sketches from a simple toothbrush into a different form and aesthetic. It helps me to re-generate ideas and thoughts about what made toothbrush our everyday needs and how it can be shown in a more pronounced way. I drew a simple toothbrush in the middle and as it further our from the sketch paper, the formation and ways to even use it changes from one point to another.

This is the process how I interpret the work from the French artist, Sebastien Bouchard where I want to understand my point of question by using one of our everyday necessity object that is the toothbrush as it resembles the simplicity gadget. I took an image of a toothbrush and edit it out with the use of Photoshop where I copied the famous luxury icon, Louis Vuitton and applied it properly onto the body parts of the toothbrush.

Finally, I have managed to design a toothbrush with a well-known designed icon on the toothbrush as it creates a combination of luxury and necessity where my point is to describe the context that everyday objects are a thing that we see them just an ordinary-invisible gadgets. But, they are our most needed necessities that completes our everyday life. This is why I created this toothbrush with the famous icon as it shows that everyday objects consumed more than the things that what we want but what we need are more to be seen as the most 'luxury' things.

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